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Amokabel Def-Stan 02-527

08 Mar 2024

Amokabel produce a range of military grade cable including Def-Stan 02-527 otherwise known as fire survival cable.  Cable produced to the UK MoD Defence Standard 02-527 (formerly NES527) is designed to be used in HM Ships and Submarines and able to tolerate extreme heat in the event of an onboard fire.

The cable is used in applications where the supply of power is critical.  If a fire does breakout, power should be retained in emergency systems such as lighting, life support, alarms and shutdown systems for as long as possible.  Cables meeting Def-Stan 02-527 have been tested to ensure they can still perform at fire temperatures for up to 3 hours.

Building on the requirements of 02-256, they also have a Limited Fire Hazard sheath which produces less smoke and toxic fumes and can tolerate contact with water, oil and lubricants.  It’s fire retardant properties are due to its silicon insultation and glass fibre braid, which when exposed to high temperatures, turns to silica within the braid allowing continued operation of the cable for a limited time.

Overall, DEF STAN 02-527 plays a crucial role in maintaining the effectiveness and readiness of military infrastructure by establishing rigorous guidelines for the quality and performance of electrical cables.

Speak to Aerco today to find out more about Amokabel’s Military Grade range including Def-Stan 02-527 Fire Survival Cable.

Def Stan cable

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